Monday, May 7, 2007

Ode to corporate life

Working in corporate America does something to one's personality which makes them go a little off.

Last week I hadn't gotten the chance to eat any breakfast and I was working on one of the weekly 35+ page faxes that I have to handle. After I'd sent it through the fax I went into the supply room to use the heavy-duty stapler. In a behemoth corporation like the one in which I work you would only assume that we could at least have up-to-date office supplies. Not the case here. This heavy-duty stapler is a relic left from the 1970s. How it still exists here, I have no idea. Someone must have gone to the trouble of actually moving this thing, since the building I work in wasn't constructed until the 90s. I often have to send out large faxes which then have to be kept on file, so I am often in need of the relic stapler. Apparently I'm not the only one, because I've gone in there to use it multiple times only to find it devoid of staples.

Such was the case last week, and it really rubbed me the wrong way. Filling this stapler is unreasonably difficult, as it only fits about 12 staples at a time and there is a 75% chance the stapler-filler will end up stapling his/her own fingers during the filling process. I spent 10 minutes grappling with this "machine", the entire time cursing the last person who had obviously given up on their attempt to complete this desk. Between the lack of breakfast and hitting my head on the cupboard door I had opened myself 30 seconds earlier I finished this task breathing heavily, bleeding and completely pissed off.

Don't worry, I did manage to declare victory over the evil relic stapler, although I did leave the supply room and stop at one of my coworkers cubes to declare my hatred for office supplies. He was polite (or frightened by my appearance) enough not to laugh in my face when I proceeded to talk about how much I hated the stapler for 10 minutes, but this morning I did receive the following email from him:

"The more I think about it, you complaining about having to reload the industrial-sized stapler was the high-light of last week."

This is what corporate America has turned us into.

1 comment:

Brain said...

Yikes. I never had to deal with archaic living fossils like that, but I do know what corporate life can do to a person. Perhaps the stapler contains T-rex DNA, and cannot be content merely to chew plant matter, but needs to use its jagged teeth to rend flesh and relish the taste of human blood, much as its ancestors ravaged the caveman of our own distant past?