Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So just after I posted what I entitled "Inertia" I found out that I'm being moved in my position at work. I have a week and a half left at my current job and then I begin training on something new. I'm unreasonably excited just to have a new challenge put in front of me. I really don't have much of an idea what I'll be trained into doing, but for now I'm just happy to be given the opportunity to learn something new.

I currently throwing myself into the apartment/roommate search for fall. Right now my main resoure is Craig's List, but I welcome further suggestions.

This post is a dull update after being away for so long, but the intense heat in my apartment is killing me. I can sweat through my clothes while just sitting on the couch. Pleasant.

I promise more with a twist of interesting very soon. Very soon.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Hey, I have that!

The other week I was driving through some part of NE Minneapolis when a familiar shirt caught my eye. I did a double-take out the car window to see a woman dressed in the green Bennies shirt that were for sale my sophomore year of college. I'm a particular fan of the green Bennies shirt because it's such a great shade of green.

Any time I see someone in Bennie or Johnnie gear I also stop to see if I recognize said person. Due to my college being fairly small and isolated there is usually a good chance I will at least recognize the person.

In this instance, however, the person wearing the green Bennies shirt was clearly a homeless person who hadn't been able to wash it for quite a few days. I can't explain exactly why, but it was an odd experience all together.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Seriously, what is going on?

Okay, so on my way home tonight there was a man on a corner near my apartment signing to himself. At first I thought he must be signing to someone in a car, but since I was waiting at a red light and he signed in several directions while not receiving any answer I could see I'm pretty sure he was just a crazy man. Is this the deaf person's way of being crazy? As in somewhat equivilent to crazy hearing person's muttering to him or herself?

I'm not saying deaf people don't have the right to be crazy people too. I'm just saying I've never seen one before. AND this was just a crazy person-sighting type of day.

What is she? Is that?

This morning as I was coming off the freeway exit ramp onto the fairly industrial street when my company is located I noticed something odd at the bottom of the ramp. A pedestrian! Now, this type of character is very rare in these parts as usually people drive from one building to the next, usually literally less than a block.

However, this pedestrian was especially odd. It was 7:30 in the morning and she was decked out in dress capris, a too-short cotton shirt (and no one really needed to see what she had under said shirt) and dirty tennies. She didn't appear to have any sort of purse or bag, nor did she appear to be working out. In fact, she was actually crocheting as she walked.

Yup, crochet hook, yarn and the occassional glance downward was all this woman needed to construct what looked like a potholder on her way, well, I don't actually have a clue where she was headed. Didn't looked dressed for work, but we have had some odd-looking temps around the office as of late.

Anyway, oddest thing I've seen on my way to work yet.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Last summer I spent my time outside, tending to a massive flower garden and working for the city parks department. Although there were several occassions where I questioned whether I would sweat to death before the day was out, and suffered through more than one coworker spat (both involving me and not involving me) which I'll chalk up to heat and a boss with a split personality, I found the work satisfying. I could take people there after I was off for the day (amazing being that I wanted to return somewhere I'd already spent the majority of the day) and show them exactly what I had spent my time accomplishing.

That kind of satisfaction is something I could really use right now. Blah.

Monday, June 4, 2007

I just wanted a nice latte

On Saturday morning I woke up with a tremendous headache. I'd had it when going to bed the night before, but attributed it to tiredness, dehydration, and the end of a long work week. After I woke up with it on Saturday it was pointed out to me that it was probably the result of caffeine withdrawal--a valid point since I hadn't had caffeine since Wednesday.
So, off I went to Starbucks. By the time I managed to shower, dress and walk down there it was well past the noon hour. It was also incredibly muggy (when HASN'T it been incredibly muggy recently?) and the sun was downright hot. The six or so blocks to the 'Bucks weren't entirely pleasant.
After arriving at my local coffee house I went to the counter and ordered per normal. I tend to get coffee at this same location three to four (or more) times a week. I noted a woman walking away from the counter with a drink as the only other customer ordering.
I told the barista what I thought would best cure my headache and moved over to the pick-up area. Almost instantly, the barista making the coffee called out my drink. Thinking it had been awfully quick I reached out for the straw, and decided that it must have come so fast since it was iced coffee.
All of the sudden the barista preparing the coffee shouted "that's not yours!" In my headache state I was completely shocked and dropped everything like a hot potato. The lady who I had seen at the counter when I came in (who, mind you, was alone and was already holding one drink and was NOT waiting in the pick-up area) came over and snatched the coffee. Our exchange as follows:
To me: "Oh, did you get the same thing?"
Me: "No. Yes. Yes, I did."
To me: "Oh, sorry."
Me: "Sorry."
Wait awkward amount of time...say 4 seconds"
Me: "Oh, it's okay."
Yeah, it totally sounded like I was reassuring myself that it was okay. The lady who actually owned the drink turned and stared (as I probably would have too. What am I, a sweating, crazy drink-stealer?).
I think I turned an attractive shade of purple and pretended to be really absorbed in studying the coffee cups for sale until my actual drink had been made. The whole exchange made me feel like a home-schooled kid who hadn't been to the big city. Seriously.

I'm still here

I know, it's been forever since I posted. No internet at home really makes these things difficult. However, I do have an appointment for internet installation this Friday, so after that point I should be back up and running. In the meantime, I will continue to be incredibly isolated as I had my cable taken out last week and now rely on my friend NBC, ABC and CBS to keep me informed.