Monday, August 18, 2008

Random bus moment of the day

On the ever-dangerous 16 today it was fairly empty and quiet. Maybe all my mid-day bus riding friends have a case of the Mondays and aren't out riding around town today. Anyway, I thought it was going to be a fairly peaceful trip with the exception of the man laughing manically to himself near the front. Laughter like that always make me nervous because, since I always expect disaster, I feel as though the Laugher is envisioning the imminent death of everyone on the bus and is crazy, so thinks it's funny.

However, the Laugher wasn't my biggest problem. As well pulled into Huron to make a right onto Washington there was a Jeep coming straight toward oncoming traffic. Yup, driving on the wrong side of the road. The bus driver, who had been pretty quiet up to this point (maybe the Laugher was making her nervous, too) yelled out "Look at this idiot!" and look we all did. The Jeep guy realized that he was driving the wrong damn way down the road and managed to back up and pull onto the correct side of the divided roadway.

After the wrong-way Jeep had moved on the bus driver decided to continue her commentary by saying "Where did he learn to drive? And I thought I was a bad driver."

Uh, okay, you drive for a LIVING and not only do you consider yourself a bad driver, but you announce it to a busload full of people who are at your driving mercy? Even worse, I was the only one on the entire bus who seemed somewhat shocked by this announcement. Maybe I'm not the public transport aficionado I thought I was...

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